Understanding the Difference Between Palliative and Hospice Care
Both palliative care and hospice care help patients live more comfortably by easing their pain and treating the symptoms of serious illness. Where palliative and hospice care differ is in the stage of the illness and whether the disease is being actively treated. Read on to make the best choice for you or your loved one.
How do Palliative Care and Hospice Differ?
Palliative Care
- Provided alongside curative treatment
- Doctor declares an expected life span of less than 2 years but more than 6 months
- Length of care depends on needs and insurance
- Provides an extra layer of support for families and caregivers, over and above what is provided by the primary care team
- Spiritual Care Counselor support as needed
- May be covered by private insurance, Medicare and/or Medi-Cal, depending on plan benefits
Hospice Care
- After curative treatment stops
- Doctor declares an expected lifespan of 6 months or less, if the illness runs its expected course
- Length of care is at least six months, longer if eligibility criteria continue to be met
- Comprehensive support for families and caregivers is provided directly by our team of doctors, nurses, aides, social workers, spiritual care, and music therapists
- Holistic approach providing spiritual support throughout care
- 100% covered by Medicare and Medi-Cal; private insurance depends on patient’s benefits
It's ok if you still have questions about palliative care and hospice. Hospice of Santa Cruz is here to help you.
Call us anytime (831) 430-3000 or fill out the form below and someone from our team will reach out.